Membership benefits and fee
- One year VisagiSMile software license.
- Opportunity to be invited for case presentations and publications with the members of VisagiSMile Faculty.
- Closed Member Meetings: Registration covered.
- Access to professional information for your practice published on the VisagisSMile website, the social media and the newsletter.
- -30% Discount for VisagiSMile hands-on courses.
- Opportunity to get listed on the “Members” page.
Membership cost: €199.00 per year. Become a member now.
Getting Listed as a Member of VisagiSMile
Getting listed as a member of VisagiSMile on the “Members” page is a distinctive honor that is bestowed on a person who has notably contributed to the improvement of human esthetics through clinical practice, education, research or literature. The procedure for getting listed as a member is the following:
1 – Tour Commitment
After attending a VisagiSMile authorized Hands on course, you can apply for Membership.
2 – Member Candidate Application
You must have paid your membership fee for one year.
3 – Case Presentation
After you have presented your application for MEMBERSHIP, you will be invited to present three clinical cases planned with the help of VisagiSMile software and finished by you in front of the VisagiSMile Faculty. Such presentation should follow the guidelines available from the Secretariat.
4 – Membership Vote
If approved by the VisagiSMile Faculty, to be accepted, you must receive a three-quarters (3/4) affirmative vote, by secret ballot, of the members present. The VisagiSMile Faculty and Team Members will vote on your presentation.
Notification A written decision will be forwarded to you after the meeting’s conclusion. If not accepted, you will have one other opportunity to present in a future.